Books by Gary R. Habermas
A: Complete Books:
B: Book Chapters:
B5: The
Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T.
Wright in Dialogue, edited by Robert B. Stewartt
- Ch. 4 -
"Mapping the Recent Trend toward the Bodily
Resurrection Appearances of Jesus in Light of Other
Prominent Critical Positions"
- B4: The Historical Jesus: Ancient
Evidence for the Life of Christ [GET IT ON AMAZON!]
B3: To
Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian World View
- B2:
Why Believe? God Exists! Rethinking the Case for God
and Christianity [GET IT ON AMAZON!]
- B1:
Forever Loved: A Personal Account of Grief and
Resurrection [GET IT ON AMAZON!]
A Sampling of Some of Gary Habermas' 50 books
- On the Resurrection: Evidences, Vol. 1

by Gary R. Habermas
- On the Resurrection: Refutations, Vol.
by Gary R. Habermas
- Resurrected?
An Atheist and Theist Dialogue
by Gary R. Habermas (Author), Antony G.
N. Flew (Author), John F. Ankerberg (Editor)
Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
by Gary R. Habermas (Author), Michael
Licona (Author)
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? The Resurrection Debate
by Gary R. Habermas (Author),
Antony G. N. Flew (Author), Terry L. Miethe (Editor)
The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
Heart of New Testament Doctrine: The Resurrection Vol. 1
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
Heart of the Christian Life: The Resurrection Vol. 2
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist
Changed His Mind
by Antony Flew (Author), Roy
Abraham Varghese (Author)
Did the Resurrection Happen? A Conversation with Gary
Habermas and Antony Flew
by Gary R. Habermas (Author), Antony
Flew (Author), David J. Baggett (Editor)
The Risen Jesus and Future Hope
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's
Action in History
by R. Douglas Geivett (Editor), Gary R. Habermas
The Thomas Factor: Using Your Doubts
to Draw Closer to God
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
The Secret of the Talpiot Tomb: Unraveling the Mystery
of the Jesus Family Tomb
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality
by Gary Habermas (Author)
Forever Loved: A Personal Account of Grief and
by Gary R. Habermas (Author)
Why Is God Ignoring Me? What to Do When It Feels Like
He's Giving You the Silent Treatment
Gary R. Habermas (Author)
Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality
by Gary R. Habermas (Author),
James P. Moreland (Author)
Why Believe? God Exists! Rethinking the Case for God and
by Terry L. Miethe (Author), Gary R.
Habermas (Author)
Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints: Bible and
Steven B. Cowan (Editor), Gary Habermas
(Contributor), William Lane Craig (Contributor), Paul D.
Feinberg (Contributor), Kelly James Clark (Contributor),
John M. Frame (Contributor)
C. S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness and Beauty
David J. Baggett (Editor), Gary R.
Habermas (Editor), Jerry L. Walls (Editor), Thomas V.
Morris (Foreword)
Memories of Jesus
Robert B. Stewart (Author), Gary R.
Habermas (Author, Editor)